WEbsites that do more with a CLICK
In today’s fast-moving economic development environment, a basic digital presence isn’t enough. Creating impact and moving website visitors to action requires a relevant, immersive and engaging digital experience. Digital experiences created by Marketing Alliance are unique because they are inspired by the needs of site selectors and company decision makers, then brought to life by an expert creative team. The result is a multidimensional and multisensory website, merging media and message and blending powerful storytelling, visualized data, authentic photography and captivating videos into one compelling and cohesive experience.
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Unlike most companies you may be considering, Marketing Alliance strategizes, designs and develops all websites in house. This deep expertise allows us to create a unique solution that meets your needs specifically, reaching the ideal target markets with a surgically-precise set of messages. And because we’ve built and rebuilt hundreds of economic development websites, our tried-and-true communication and collaborative processes are seamless and results-enabling. The end result is a digital experience that defines your value proposition to key stakeholders, every minute of the day. Whether you are recruiting business and attracting talent or supporting local companies and fostering entrepreneurship, a website from Marketing Alliance delivers positive outcomes.
Goal setting
The team at Marketing Alliance discusses the goals of the website, including the business development outcomes that are to be achieved. Websites can be created to accomplish goals in business recruitment, BR&E, talent development, strategic initiatives, membership advancement, business park promotion and a variety of other strategic objectives.
Target audience definition
Once goals are determined, the target audiences of the website is determined. This will allow the user experience and the content of the website to be created to have the highest effectiveness in delivering the right message to the right viewer.
User Experience architecture
The architecture of the website is developed on the goals of the website, the target audience, and the integration of 23 years of best practices. Because Marketing Alliance has created hundreds of economic development websites, we have the ability to track two decades worth of data to see how company decision makers and site selectors experience websites. This information is used to make your next website more provocative and powerful.
COnceptual design
Branding colors, typography, graphic elements and layout expertise come together to develop home page and secondary page concepts for your review. Your logo and/or style guide is used to design page layouts that align to your brand. The design is created to be compatible on all web browsers, be mobile responsive to phone and tablet and be ADA-compliant.
strategic copywriting
From the architecture of the website comes the subject matter Marketing Alliance will write. To set you apart, the copy is written to be specific and not “fluff” as many websites unfortunately convey. Our copywriters are economic developers and know the information and nuances of storytelling in this industry. Page content is data-driven, succinct and compelling for the user to make an informed decision.
Videography and Photo capture
To balance the facts and figures of your community, videography and original photography help to demonstrate the authenticity of your community. Your story will be brought to life through testimonials of company leaders, education professional and board members (among other leaders). Add to this drone videography from above, showcasing your business parks and other key assets. Videos are edited for the website’s header, throughout the site and for digital marketing initiatives.
Local, Regional and National mapping
A strategic location is an imperative for economic development success. Interactive maps from Marketing Alliance visually highlight your community’s location from three different geographical perspectives, including economic development assets such as interstates, highways, rail, electric capacity, water capacity, wastewater lines, education/training facilities, ports, airports and more.
technology integration
To make your website the most powerful it can be, Marketing Alliance integrates one or several technologies to help accomplish the goals of the website. These technologies include real estate databases, job boards, calendars, eCommerce solutions, visualized data, chat bots and many other sophisticated communication tools.
Development and cMS integration
After the strategic and creative elements have been designed, the website is programmed in one of two ways. The first is a fully-custom solution that is managed and updated on your behalf by Marketing Alliance. The second is a fully-custom solution that is developed within a CMS (Content Management System) that allows you to edit portions of the website after the website is live and you have received training. Both solutions can be hosted on our servers to ensure security and stability.
Let’s Tell Your Story
Marketing Alliance’s strategists and creative professionals are waiting to bring your community to life online. Whether you need a new economic development website or enhance your present one, Marketing Alliance knows how to generate an invaluable tool to make your community known as a place to prosper.