Strategic Plans


Crafting a Unique Value Proposition to Achieve Results

Marketing Alliance creates economic development strategic plans that serve as comprehensive roadmaps for communities, regions and states aiming for sustainable growth and prosperity. Our plans set clear goals and initiatives to stimulate economic activity, create jobs, enhance competitiveness and improve overall quality of life. From attracting investments and supporting local businesses to fostering innovation and building vital infrastructure, our strategies shape the economic future of your community.


inspire decision makers


Driving Economic Growth Through Strategic Planning

Marketing Alliance’s strategy drives tangible economic growth over a 3-year period. By using consistent metrics, we custom-fit economic growth strategies to match the unique needs of your local economy. Key elements include:

  • Crafting new mission and vision statements

  • Setting targets, tactics, and metrics for measurable investment attraction

  • Developing effective talent attraction strategies

  • Supporting and enhancing key economic drivers

  • Strengthening Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) efforts to fuel local business growth

  • Addressing critical infrastructure challenges to enable economic progress


Economy review & regional assessment

Our process begins with an in-depth review of internal materials, including previous plans, marketing content, and community policies. We analyze demographics, employment, business activity, housing and regional economic trends to stay ahead of the curve in the economic development industry. Our comprehensive assessment identifies economic characteristics, gaps and transformation opportunities. By analyzing trends in the next generation of economic opportunities, we custom-fit solutions for our clients that are designed to create sustainable and adaptable economic growth models.

Marketing Alliance compiles an economic ecosystem overview, conducts a labor force analysis, evaluates land and infrastructure and analyzes external trends to identify barriers and enablers for growth. This forward-thinking approach helps us identify and prioritize target sectors for sustainable development, ensuring your community is well-positioned for future opportunities. We then perform a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at the community level.

Engaging Stakeholders for Comprehensive Insights

Marketing Alliance prioritizes engaging with business leaders, community members, and residents to understand their perspectives on assets, opportunities and challenges. Our stakeholder engagement strategy ensures community-wide buy-in through:

  • Identifying relevant stakeholders

  • Planning and conducting 20+ consultations, including interviews and focus groups

  • Facilitating strategic discussions

  • Analyzing insights to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities

Assessing Opportunities for Economic Growth

By synthesizing insights from the SWOT analysis, stakeholder consultations, environmental scans and labor market analysis, Marketing Alliance identifies and prioritizes opportunities for economic diversification, investment attraction and business retention and expansion. Opportunities are evaluated based on magnitude, viability, time horizons, sector trends and synergies with existing companies. We present prioritized opportunities in a chart format, detailing actions and outcomes, strategic advantages and community positioning.

Developing a Strategic Action Plan

Marketing Alliance creates a multi-year, business-centric strategic plan that includes new mission and vision statements, investment attraction, talent acquisition, economic drivers, BR&E efforts and infrastructure improvement. Each plan features a prioritized Action Plan matrix with:

  • Initiatives, tactics, and goals

  • Timelines and costs

  • Responsibilities and KPIs

  • Budget estimates, staff requirements, and community resources

Our leadership team presents the Strategy and Action Plan to the community and economic development partners, outlining goals, strategies, objectives and action items. Client feedback refines the plan to ensure alignment with the community’s economic growth, diversity, and innovation goals.


Explore Your Economic Opportunities

Contact Marketing Alliance to discuss your strategic needs, whether for a planning document or a larger business development project. Let’s work together to define your value proposition and advance your community’s economic future.
